
The struggles of 2017

It’s been almost a year since I last wrote.  I think the main reason is because 2017 will go down in the books as being one of the worst offshore fishing seasons I have experienced.  I would like to think It was just not me,...

Up The Bay

Up the bay January 4th 2017.  A few weeks into the third split of waterfowl season and we had been enjoying some decent hunting most mornings, not setting the world on fire but some birds were in the area.  The winter had been pretty mild with...

Duck stir fry

Here is a go to duck recipe that is simple and fast to make. Goes great on a bed of rice, PF chang better lookout!...

Venison steak

This steak is all about the prep, a long cut on a tenderloin on a very hot grill. ...

Baked black drum

Nothing better to start off spring than a fresh baked black puppy drum and some mangos. They say white wine with fish, be bold, go red for this dish....

Simple mans tuna steak sandwich

So you have a pile of tuna steaks from a few days ago. Standing around outside on a pretty day with your buddies, nothing better than a tuna steak on a bun. Simple man style, with Natural light of course....

Kiwi Fish tacos

Fish tacos with an awesome twist! Cast iron pan, make sure you scorch those tortillas! ...

How to filet a black drum – video

Hardest part is running your knife under the skin all the way around. Stick the knife under a scale, turn so the sharp edge is face outward and slice around the fish just under the skin. Next grab the flap of...

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